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In the second half of the race for the domestic cycling market, shared bicycles have only just begun in the United States, and Seattle, the western city of the United States, has become one of the first cities to have been competing in the summer.
However, the city is not a natural bike ride, Seattle is located in the northwestern U.S. state of Washington, the climate moist and rainy, the Year less sunshine, Seattle's urban terrain is hilly, the streets are rugged, and, in addition, similar to most American cities, there are not many special bicycle lanes in Seattle, and it is not hard to imagine that it is not a particularly comfortable experience to ride on a slippery city street in the rainy weather.
However, the adverse effects of natural conditions do not affect Seattle as the preferred city for many shared bicycles, and now the streets of the U.S. city are beginning to show a different color of shared bicycles. Limebike, Spin and Ofo, which have been officially operating here, have been reported by local media that the future of several shared cycling companies is expected to operate in Seattle.
The support of local government policy is the most fundamental reason why Seattle is the first city to be shared in a cycling phase.At the end of March this year, about six months before the Seattle of shared bicycles came to the capital, Seattle's government-run shared-bicycle project pronto officially closed. The project, launched in the fall of Seattle's traffic bureau in 2014, initially started with $4.25 million, of which $2.5 million came from the private sector, and $1.75 million from state and federal government funds.
However, in only less than 3 years of operation, the project was declared a failure. Seattle Times, the local media, said the main reasons for the project's eventual failure were: the city's undulating topography, rainy weather, the law of the helmet on the ride and the lack of urban traffic planning, and the shortage of bicycle-riding lanes.
After their own efforts failed, the Seattle government opened a welcoming embrace to foreign-shared cyclists, and Seattle became the first government to issue permits to a stake-sharing bicycle company, which currently operates in Seattle as the first of its three shared-cycle start-ups.
Ofo Lin Wenxin, vice president of the United States, has previously said that Seattle's policy of sharing bicycles without piles is very lax.But at the same time, the Seattle government has also shown caution in specific licensing policies, in order to avoid the fact that more than the actual demand for shared bicycles on the road, the Seattle Traffic Bureau requires licensed share cycling companies to launch only 500 bicycles in the first month of operation, and then, depending on the specific demand, allow the number to be increased to 1000 vehicles over the next one months, on the basis of which the increase will be incremental.